Audio Ministry
The Friendship Baptist Church Audio/Video Ministry was established by Rev. Alf Mills, Sr. Over the past 10 years, the ministry was upgraded and improved under the leadership of Rev. Clinton Edwards. The purpose of the Audio/Video Ministry is to support other areas of ministry in making disciples of Jesus Christ. The Audio/Video Ministry is a service ministry to the Pastor, congregation, and the sick and shut-ins. The ministry records worship services, and other areas of ministry. The ministry also has the responsibility of managing the sound system for various services of the Church.
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts have been active in Friendship since 1960 or earlier, and played an integral role in the life and development of the young boys growing up in Friendship and the Community. Many activities from the beginning placed emphasis on outdoors survival skills, teaching scouts all about fishing, camping, swimming, recognizing poisonous reptiles, etc . Troop 463 Pack and Troop are still active. The Friendship Baptist Church Scouts Unit is 463. (Encourages youth and children.)
Children's Church Ministry
MISSION: To bring children to Christ and train them to walk and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of the mission projects include, “Feed the Children”, and in later years the children were involved in the annual Operation Christmas Child Shoebox mission. Puppetry was incorporated into the program and Bibles were provided each child. The learning sessions and worship have consistently followed a structured curriculum. The Children’s Church Handbook is provided to the children to encourage the memorization of selected scriptures, flag pledges, and the Lord’s Prayer. (Encourages youth and children.)
Christian Education Ministry
The purpose of the Christian Education Ministry is to glorify God by enabling every member to learn from the scriptures and to learn how to live like Christ. The Director of Christian Education is responsible to the Pastor for Christian education training of Deacons, Trustees, Ministries’ heads, and all members of the Church. The Christian Education Ministry is also responsible for: New Members Orientation, Leadership training, and Incentive programs of the church. Educational activities including Sunday School, Bible Study, and Vacation Bible School, with the Pastor’s supervision. Rev. Clinton Edwards, Jr., is currently the Christian Education Ministry, point of contact.
Church Council Ministry
The Church Council was organized under the leadership of Rev. James Williams.
They are responsible for presenting a calendar of events to the Church at the annual Church meeting in October for the upcoming year and requesting an annual financial audit. The Church Council consists of Chairpersons from each of the Church Ministries.
Deaconess Ministry
This auxiliary was organized as the Deacons’ Aid Club during the pastorate of the late Rev. Phillip A Callaham. The objectives of the organization included to: assist the deacons, engage in Christian fellowship, and perform outreach. The name of the auxiliary was changed to Deaconess Board during the pastorate of the late Rev. Norman L. Bush.
The ministry duties include: Provide administrative support by maintaining the properties for the two ordinances of the church (Baptism and Communion); Serve as coordinators for the setup of Communion and organizers for the Baptism activities; Responsible for regular visits with the sick and shut-in members of the church, and fulfill other duties when called upon.
Hospitality Ministry
The Ministry serves as the internal care unit of the church. It strives to meet the needs of the entire church, and greets members and visitors as they arrive for Sunday services. The ministry extends a welcoming hand to guest and new members who accept Christ by helping them feel at ease and become familiar with existing church programs.
The ministry also visits the sick and shut-in members and families during times of bereavement. Support is provided to the families by offering meals, prayers, and other acts of kindness. Fruit baskets and flower arrangements are prepared for members and delivered during Easter and Christmas. The ministry also participates in the monthly outreach ministry at Christ Central by spearheading other ministries of the church and wards to donate and serve meals.
Kitchen Ministry
The Friendship Baptist Church Kitchen Ministry cooks and prepares food for the following special occasions: Friendship Church Anniversaries, Pastor’s Appreciation Anniversary, Funeral Repasts, and the Fifth Sunday Family & Friends Fellowship Dinner. They also, maintain the kitchen storage and pantry areas.
Music Ministry
In the earliest documented history of Friendship Baptist Church, it is noted that the Church Choir (Music Ministry) was organized to oversee the presentation of music in worship and to help worship in the holy spirit through music. The music entities currently serving in the Music Ministry include: A.B. Miles Voices of Praise, John Phillips Choir, FBC Pipers, Male Chorus, Senior Choir, Warriors for Christ Praise Choir, and FBC Praise Team. Instrumental Musicians: Bass Guitar, Keyboard, Organist, Piano, and Drums.
Senior Choir
Senior Choir History – The Church Choir was organized to rendered various kinds of music: hymns, anthems, and spirituals. The choir rendered Cantatas and Christmas programs that were uplifting to our church and the community. The choir sings on the first Sunday of each month, serves at funerals and revivals or whenever they are requested.
John Phillips Choir
John Phillips Choir – The John Phillips Choir was organized in 1975 by Mrs. Flossie Hammond. It targets children between the ages of 6-11. The Choir sings on every fourth Sunday, and participates in worship services with musical instruments and special presentations. (Encourages youth and children.)
Friendship Baptist Church Pipers
Friendship Baptist Church Pipers – The FBC Pipers were organized by Ada Gallman and play their recorders in Sunday Worship service on fourth Sundays. The group participates on various church programs. The Pipers enthusiastically plays during various church programs throughout the year. The ages varies.
Senior Missionary Ministry
Senior Missionary Ministry – The Missionary Society was organized after the building of the Church. The mission of the Senior Missionary Ministry is to increase the love of God and help meet the needs of human kind by helping our brothers and sisters through outreach ministry…God’s love, mission and service. Throughout the year the ministry offers a monthly Soup & Clothes Give Away Program; to the community. An inspirational discussion about Church and God is shared with the attendees through tracts and speeches. During Thanksgiving and Christmas, dinners are provided to the senior citizens, church members, friends, and the community. They meet monthly and serve our church and community in the spirit of love.
Sunday School Ministry
Sunday School Ministry – The Friendship Baptist Church Sunday School has always been a vital and active ministry of this church since 1866. The Sunday School Ministry is the main teaching arm of the Church. The Sunday School annually sponsors the Easter, Christmas, and Vacation Bible School Programs. (Encourages youth and children.)
Usher Board
Friendship Baptist Church Usher Board – The mission of the Friendship Baptist Church’s Usher Board, is to make the members and visitors feel comfortable and to help the pastor promote worship by lending spiritual dignity to the church service. (Encourages youth and children.)
Youth Group/Warriors for Christ
Youth Group/Warriors for Christ – Friendship Baptist Church has nurtured the spiritual and educational development of its young people from its earliest history under several names and forms of organization. The goal is to nurture and guide our young people in their religious, social, education, cultural and emotional development.
Young Adult Ministry Serving (YAMS)
Young Adult Ministry Serving (YAMS) – The Friendship Baptist Church Young Adult Ministry was formed in 2012. The ministry was formed to encourage young adults ages 21-39 to grow as followers of Christ by engaging in authentic worship, sound biblical teaching and developing a deeper relationship with other adults within our community of faith. Deuteronomy 6:5-7 tells us “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength.” These words have given the YAMS the desire to work with senior citizens within our church, the Christ Central outreach ministry and to provide workshops to encourage fruitful living as we grow in Christ.
FBC Mentoring Ministry
The Mentoring Ministry with Schofield Middle School began as a collaborative effort between Friendship Baptist Church and South Aiken Presbyterian Church in September, 2012 to provide to Schofield students support from the community. Volunteers from both churches are trained at beginning of each school year to mentor 6th to 8th grade students who volunteer to participate in the program, with parental consent. Mentors provide their assigned student weekly with support, encouragement, and help with study habits, homework, special projects, and a listening ear when needed. Some mentors are involved with their mentees in their extra-curricular activities. Mentors are needed, as you can make a difference in a student’s life.